Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Our Truest Selves

I know that this is pretty wordy, but it was such an important and emotional day for Team 3/4, that I want to paint a picture for you. Of course you are well aware, but you have the most incredible and insightful children. Thanks for sharing J

This morning we turned out the lights, found a cozy spot around the room and settled in for a talk. I told the students how proud I am of them, not only for being so poised and gracious last night at Open House, but also for bravely sharing their own writing. I told them that I’d been thinking about how much I care about them and that I so want them to live the happiest, healthiest lives. I shared that I’d been thinking about the things that I most want for them…

1.     To always be curious, to be deeply motivated to dig deeper and understand better
2.     To be resilient because life is going to deal some blows and I want them to come back with confidence
3.     To fall in love with their truest selves, the deepest center of their souls, and be confident in sharing that version of themselves with the world

The kids then settled in with their journals to write, write, write about #3. I told them that sharing out loud is optional and I challenged them to be honest with themselves. They wrote about the parts of themselves that are sincere and maybe secret, the parts of themselves that are valuable and fundamental, but that they are sometimes afraid to let out.

Then we gathered together and discussed how it feels to hold those important parts of who we are inside. Then we discussed in small groups some of the reasons we hide parts of ourselves. This is what we came up with:

Then the students really blew me away. They started sharing some of the parts of themselves that they love, but are afraid to let show. There were lots of tears and lots of hugs and lots of, “I felt that way too when…” and “I didn’t know you felt that way too.” They shared frustration about being seen in a certain box or feeling that people have a narrow definition of who they are or that they have to act a certain way to fit in with the group. I was very moved by the honesty and community that they offered one another.

Students shared with me that things felt a little different on the playground today. I look forward to keeping the momentum. They elevate so beautifully. I thought you’d want to know.


We said goodbye to Jazzy this afternoon as she left for France. Bon Voyage! We’ll miss you and we can’t wait for stories!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Guest Blogger- Almadin!

I want to say that Sami is the ambassador. She did a great job. In a little bit we are going to have the class meeting. She greeted the tour today too.

We are reading one entry from our Pioneer Journals to our partners for practice. We are working on reading with expression. It is called dramatic reading. We are also giving feedback.

We are learning fractions. It’s really fun. A fourth grader named Zoe just came to our class. She is really nice.

                  WELCOME ZOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) 

We are sharing our pioneer journals. Dylan and Jazzy just shared.

Crime reporting
Today a victim and a criminal came into our classroom. The victim was Serena VanCluffenduffen and the criminal was Dominique Smith. Dominique splattered Serena’s mink coat with red paint to protest for animal rights. 

Meditating for 7 minutes during break

Friends having fun

Corn snake

Have fun

This is a thing that every single time one of us or some of us do a kind thing or show teamwork, you put up a puzzle piece. 

Gung Hay Fat Choy! Kindergarten Chinese New Year Parade!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I have some very exciting news! Starting next week, Rebekkah LaDyne from Spirit Rock will be joining us on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for 15 minutes to work with us on mindfulness.  I met with her today and I'm very excited about the ways she'll bring new awareness about the power of the mind and offer tools for calm and focus, loving kindness and empathy, celebrating the blissful moments, releasing the stormy thoughts, loving ourselves, and so much more.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Gloria- Guest Blogger!

Hello here are some things that are happening in our class!
Our class is doing a puzzle. When something like break goes really well and there’s great sportsmanship and teamwork someone gets to put up a puzzle piece. We are trying to finish the puzzle with teamwork.
We just started a new unit in social studies about the gold rush. Today Devin gave us back our Pioneer Journals. She wrote a letter to everyone about what she liked about Pioneer Journals. We responded to her.

We finished our literary essays! We published them on the computer. Mine is about how the book The Littles is really about not giving up hope. 

Trolls are cute funny and all the girls in our class like then!

 Our class made really good sorbet. (yum yum)

 Today Hugo brought a funny duct tape hat!

 Almadin and Devin made a really cool spiral thingy.

 We made Morse code beads. They're a thing that people used to communicate with dots and dashes dots and dashes dots and dashes on telegraph machines.

 The class organized the library. 

Hugo facilitated the class meeting. He is awesome. He did a really good job keeping the class under control. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Guest blogger: Jazzy!

Guest blogger: Jazzy!

our class wrote their own mad libs, this is Sami's and Billy's

TEAM 3/4 ...


Almadin is facilitating !!! She really kept the meeting in order.

look at that MASSIVE structure

Peyton is facilitating!!!!!!!!!! The decision we made as a class were to change the library organizer  job to  the binder organizer.

our class is building the transcontinental railroad

         Hi J I’m the guest blogger this week!!!!!!!!!!!! This week we have a visitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His name is Dylan, he will be going in to 5th grade.

         We are learning about the trans continental railroad, so for a fun activity Devin split us into 2 groups.  1 group was the union pacific railroad and the other group was the central pacific railroad. We built a railroad with kapla blocks and met in the middle. Each group had its own challenges, the union pacific team had to go out into the hallway and gather their wood, each person taking only 2 pieces per turn, they also had to build a bridge across the river that kept being flooded. The central pacific team had to build over the Sierras and the Rocky Mountains, plus many times their track crashed off the side of the mountain.

         Guess what?????????????? We had another visitor!!!!!!!!!!!! Her name is Eva she is currently in 3rd grade!!!!!!

         I can’t wait till the camping tripJ J we are going to go panning for goldJ J guess what our class is going on an overnight fieldtrip to Samuel P. Taylor!!!!!!!!!!! J J J We are going in April or May. We are going to call in and book the site today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

         This week the 4th graders are starting to learn multi-digit division. And the 3rd graders are telling time, and learning their 6s!!!!!!!

            Also this week, we worked on an art project for the school auction.  We did it with Lisa (Mila’s mom) its kind of like one of Lisa’s Glass Cathedrals.